What does coaching entail?

Dear SJ,

As a manager of an operating unit, I deal with an employee who doesn’t really meet expectations, even though I know he has the necessary knowledge and skills. His behavior creates irritation among colleagues in the sense that his work is sloppy, he doesn’t back-up for colleagues, and he sometimes fails to work safely. Repeated feedback doesn’t "stick". I consider asking for the support of an external coach, but I'm not sure how to get buy in at the top. Can you briefly tell me what coaching exactly entails?

A manager supporting employees to reach full capabilities.

Dear Manager,

It’ clear that you care about the well-being of your people, and the connection within your team. But your actions have not led to the desired behavioral changes.

The word coaching as such can have a negative connotation because it’s sometimes perceived as to "heal" people. Not true!

Coaching is intended for healthy people with a positive desire to change. Understanding cause and effect is essential because it can trigger behavioral changes.

See below an introduction to the coaching approach of CompanyWise.

1. After selecting the coach, the process starts with the determination of the coaching question. During an introduction interview, the coachee is asked what’s difficult on performing the job. The coaching question usually lies in one of the following areas:

  • The coachee doesn't know what direction to go. The purpose is not clear
    •  In that case, ambitions, energy, talents and meaning are jointly sought until the outcome is clear.
  • The coachee knows the goal and looks for ways to achieve it.
    •  By providing strategies, methodologies and follow-up techniques, the coachee experiences what fits best to realize the outcome.
  • The coachee encounters one or more blocks in achieving his goal
    •   These are usually irrational blocks, such as a difference in the perception of values ​​compared to the organization or between colleagues.

2. With a clear coaching question, the learning objectives can be set, and in your case these will be discussed with you as a manager.

3. A series of six conversations (*) takes place between coachee and coach. We reflect on the insights the coachee started working with. We build further on newly gained insights and / or refinements.

(*) The coach will not provide feedback to the manager about the content of the conversations. Feedback only concerns the progress of the process and the observations of the coach.)

4. Next step is the evaluation of the coaching process in your case again with you as a manager. Experiences about desired behavior are shared. It might be that other learning goals have come up during the process, for which a new process can be started.

5. Follow-up can take place in case of a  desire to secure the results.

This was in a nutshell what coaching means.

Most importantly: Coaching is lifting people to the next level!



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