
If you perform a SWOT analysis, it quickly gets bogged down in a top-down exercise with one pointing to the other. You can be assisted by external, neutral parties but unfortunately, often you get so much information about you that you do not know where to start afterwards.

CompanyWise promised us a step-by-step approach with adjustments and guidance, adapted to our needs. With their tailor-made approach you are presented with solution that is a perfect fit for your organisation.

As a result of the workshops, problems surfaced and we got a clear picture of the strengths and the weaknesses. Later we started a number of projects. We implemented these ourselves because, thanks to the help of Sarah-Jane and Frieda from CompanyWise, everyone was on the same page and heading in the same direction. We had full internal support for these projects. During the workshops, Sarah-Jane and Frieda presented us a clearer image of ourselves. This was sometimes confrontational but always constructive.

We wanted to create an evolution in our organization. Thanks to the CompanyWise approach, it was not a revolution. We give our projects time and stick to our goals. We face our many challenges problems ourselves and do not always expect the solution from the head office or management. It feels very good to to contribute proactively in the shaping of your organization.

I definitely recommend CompanyWise to my clients. We knew what we started and got what we hoped for.

Dominique Verleysen

Sales Director (en), Chemetall


An organization can grow so fast that the risk of 'laggards' is high. This also makes it  extra difficult in welcoming newcomers to the team. How do you transfer the corporate culture? And how do you keep everyone on board?

CompanyWise had the solution. Thanks to the professional workshops, our team spirit was made tangible and strengthened. We were provided with valuable tools so that growth was nurtured at all levels. Even at difficult times, Sarah-Jane gave us expert guidance so that this did not negatively affect our success. On the contrary, it has only strengthened our team spirit.

From day one, our new employees are inspired to contribute to our mission. In one year our company has not only doubled in volume, turnover and profit, but also in experience, stability, awareness and connection.

Peter Boodts

Business Owner, Atmosafe


An organization can grow so fast that the risk of 'laggards' is high. This also makes it  extra difficult in welcoming newcomers to the team. How do you transfer the corporate culture? And how do you keep everyone on board?

CompanyWise had the solution. Thanks to the professional workshops, our team spirit was made tangible and strengthened. We were provided with valuable tools so that growth was nurtured at all levels. Even at difficult times, Sarah-Jane gave us expert guidance so that this did not negatively affect our success. On the contrary, it has only strengthened our team spirit.

From day one, our new employees are inspired to contribute to our mission. In one year our company has not only doubled in volume, turnover and profit, but also in experience, stability, awareness and connection.

Joris Heylen

General Manager, Havi


Geert Helsen

, Narviflex

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