Focus on output or outcome?

Oct 27, 2020
Frieda Janssens
Focus on output or outcome? On numbers or on shared aspiration?

A while back we were contacted by the manager of a financial institution.

His problem was, and I quote: "The ambitions of my staff are insufficient". 

Why? He had instructed his employees to conduct 20 commercial interviews a week. Calculations showed that it would enable the team to achieve the commercial results of the office.

But his employees didn’t/couldn’t make 20 interviews. 

His specific question was: how could we inspire his team to take more ownership, more appointments?

Our answer was brief: what do you want? That they fill those 20 appointments with noncommittal chats with family, acquaintances, neighbours? Or that they achieve their objectives - the outcome - regardless of the number of appointments, from selling to valuable prospects?

Our question was quite an eye opener.  He understood that the assignment to his team required more clarity. If the goal is clear, they themselves can take responsibility for making measurable agreements. By adapting his leadership style to the maturity of his team, he can let go and coach where necessary. 

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