Systems thinking as a competence for holistic leadership

Feb 9, 2021
Frieda Janssens

How anno 2021 we guide you to a holistisch future. 

Holistic leadership, what's it about?

We live in a VUCA (Volatile-Uncertain-Complex-Ambiguous) world. It means the world around us is constantly changing. If you don't want to go under in the battle of change, you have to focus on resilience and change management. Only then can the company recover quickly in the face of adversity or impairment of any kind. 

It is here that the need for a holistic thinking pattern emerges. A holistic organisation pays attention to both the organisational structure and the organisational culture. To both the system and the context in which the system operates. In other words, the rational processes for goods and services on the one hand, and the human factors that make the company function dynamically on the other.

In a holistic organisation, organisational structure and culture are inextricably linked to each other and to leadership. The powerful connection between these building blocks is the expertise of CompanyWise. Not yet convinced about the benefits of holistic leadership? If so, you may be optimising the separate smaller parts through quick wins, but you are missing the potential of the bigger picture. Your competitive advantage might suddenly disappear. You would not want that, would you?

Create a holistic organisation in 4 fases

How CompanyWise goes about optimising both organisational structure and culture? The key word is 'connection'. After an extensive study of your organisation and discussing the areas of concern, we focus on connection in four areas.

1. Connecting employees

Leading holistically means listening to all voices. That's the kickstarter. We have cross-sectional dialogues with the employees, in individual interviews or group sessions. The criterium is a confidentieel agreement to supporting growth and improvement of each other and the company.  

The result is a feedback report of the topics to be kept, to improve and to let go. We always see 'hard' and 'soft' needs to deal with in the next stage.

2. Connecting ambitions and processes

At this stage, we first call upon a core team or working group within the company. This team draws up the processes needed to fulfill the company's ambitions. It's a challenging exercise with positive, inquisitive thinking, outside the box. 

The outcome is one or more scenarios in which we combine tasks in the fields of execution, management, support and preparation. Special attention is paid to the necessary information flows that should run synchronously with the flow of goods and/or services.

3. Connection responsibilities and common goal

For each scenario developed in the previous stage, 3 main factors are discussed:

  • How to collaborate with a minimum of interdepedencies.
  • How to make consent decisions
  • How teams can use degrees of freedom and obligations to reach goals. 

The outcome? Agreement on who carries what responsibilities and how each member of the team contributes to the common goal.

4. Connecting desired attitude and expertise

Resilient teams consist of employees who feel safe and secure. Therefore, in this fourth and final form of connection, we look at how your employees feel and behave and the knowledge they possess.

The Barrett Values Centre tools measure present and aspired organisational culture. Afterwards we close the gap and guide you to an new organisational DNA based on shared and desired values of all members. 

Scan you business with our CompanyScan! Discover how holistic your organisation is

Curious about the holistic level in your organisation? Run our CompanyScan en find out your company's strengths and weaknesses in 15 questions.

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