Vulnerability as a competence for authentic leadership.

Dec 10, 2020
Frieda Janssens
Vulnerability as a competence for authentic leadership
  •   Do you want to be the leader that people look up to?
  •   Do you dream of a team that feels safe to speak up?
  •   IS your company in need of employees who stand behind their 'boss'?

Then be sure to read on. We will tell you how to become an authentic leader.

What is authentic leadership?

Authentic leadership is a style of leadership in which the leader dares to act as he or she is. In all its facets. Courageous, driven and ambitious, but also human and vulnerable. Only when you take off all your masks will you be regarded as a courageous leader.

"Leadership is not about titles or the corner office. It's about the willingness to stand up, to be yourself and to be brave. The world is desperate for braver leaders. It is time for all of us to do our best." – Brené Brown

How do you become an authentic leader?

Ask Frieda or continue reading! 😉

How you can become an authentiek leader in 5 steps.  

You can be an authentic leader genuinely, but you can learn it as well. It all starts with an awareness of who you are and what decisions you make. Only when that's clear  to you, you can develop this skill.

🧭 Show that you are self-confident

Leaders others look up to have one thing in common. They have a strong self-image. Find out and recognize what you are good at. We all have strengths and blind spots.  What can you improve? Dare to ask for feedback and take time for reflection..

🧭  Be transparent in your relations

Authentic leaders have no hidden agenda and leve by integrity. Let employees know that you care about them as individuals and fellow human beings. Recognise their efforts and resilience.

Have the courage to say when you are less satisfied. Make sure you are driven to give constructive feedback. Show your human side: listen to your employees, show emotions and empathy and make sure you are approachable. In short.

🧭  Create balans voor every decision

Leaders who seek input from the team before making a decision are considered authentic. They want to listen to opposing views and remain open for discussion before deciding on a direction. They realise that each member is a full member of the team and propagate this. Do you practice these skills, or do yo wish to learn?

🧭  Show moral perspectives

Authentic leaders are driven by ethics and strive to 'do the right thing'. Even if this could have a negative impact on business results. By taking the time - as above - to compare all points of view, you can make that decision. So do what's right and be a model of authentic behaviour.

🧭 Dare to be vulnerable

Perhaps this is the most important step!. It's courageous and strong to realise that you are not an übermensch. By indicating when you are not doing well, admitting your mistakes and apologising for things that went wrong, you show the outside world that you are on the same level as all human beings. 

The positive effects of authentic leadership

Nevertheless, authentic leadership is more than a business buzzword. It generates many positive effects that can have a major impact on organisational growth:

  1.  It increases employee engagement
  2. It opens up dialogues and creates a corporate culture in which every team member is connected.
  3. Inspires employees to grow. Because they see that even people in managerial positions are not perfect. 
  4. Stimulates trust, because employees who are encouraged to share insights and opinions gain more confidence in themselves and in their leaders. 
  5. Attracts the younger generation. A socially responsible company with a leader who pays attention to diversity and humanity is crucial for our millennials who determine the future.

Do you also want to grow into an authentic leader? We will guide you successfully.

Take the first step bij contacting Frieda.

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